So what are happy chemicals? They’re chemicals that are released in our body which make us feel good! Let's learn a bit about them and how to influence them... We’ll take look at the four main ones. They are as follows:
Dopamine when released gives us a sense of pleasure and reward. This leads to the motivation and determination required for us for to accomplish our goals and meet our desires and needs. If we’re very low on dopamine. We may tend towards, procrastination, low self-esteem, lack of motivation, low energy and an inability to focus so here are 3 ways to increase your dopamine.
1. Make yourself a small to do list every day and tick the items of as you achieve them.
2. Set yourself a small regular exercise goal. Even walking or jogging just 1 kilometre will boost your dopamine.
3. - Create something. Get yourself a little project which you work on a progress to bring you a sense of enjoyment and accomplishment.
Oxytocin gives us a feeling of intimacy and trust and motivates us to build and sustain relationships. Low oxytocin can lead to feeling lonely, disconnected, increased stress levels and anxiety. Here are some ways to increase oxytocin.
1. Physical touch (perhaps a hug).
2. Engaging in meaningful and open communication (connecting with someone).
3. Yoga.
4. Listening to music.
Serotonin gives us a feeling of significance and importance amongst our peers. It also helps us to become more focussed, emotionally stable, calmer and happier. Low serotonin can result in symptoms of depression, anxiety and trouble sleeping so here’s some ways to boost serotonin.
Cold shower.
Endorphins are best thought of as our bodies natural pain killer and can provide a feeling of euphoria when released in large amounts. Low endorphins can result in symptoms of depression, anxiety, mood swings, aches and pains and impulsive behaviour. We can boost endorphins by...
Having a laugh.
Maybe incorporate a few of these things into your daily routine in to increase your happy chemicals!
Wishing you well,